Tech Bird

Elevate Your Presence

Unlock untapped potential with our PPC and Google Ad services. At Rank Marketing, we empower businesses to elevate conversions and ROIs. Lackluster PPC management can lead to squandered ad budgets, dismal conversions, and unsatisfactory returns. Our seasoned team ensures your campaigns thrive, fostering business growth. Whether crafting new campaigns or refining existing ones, we tailor support to meet your unique needs

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of businesses say PPC is a huge driver for their business
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PPC visitors are 50% more likely to purchase something than organic visitors
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Return on investment. For every £1 spent on Google Ads, companies make an average of $2.

Levelling the playing field with
our exceptional PPC campaigns

Picture this: your dream customer, actively searching for your business offerings, encounters your ad right at the top of Google’s search results. It’s not luck; it’s the essence of our Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns and thoughtfully designed display ads.

In an age where traditional advertising methods cast wide nets, hoping to catch fleeting attention, we offer a more strategic approach. Unlike billboards and mass media that often miss the mark, our PPC services are a precision tool, ensuring your resources are invested where it counts.

Gone are the days when businesses had to pour budgets into broad-reaching campaigns, hoping for conversions amid a sea of disinterest. Our PPC solutions redefine visibility by honing in on those ready to convert, eliminating wastage.

Our PPC campaigns aren’t just about being budget-conscious; they’re about delivering tangible results. Pay-Per-Click offers immediate customer engagement and conversions, particularly for trend-dependent businesses. With real-time adjustments and dedicated account managers experienced in Google Ads, success becomes a consistent theme.

From startups to established enterprises, our PPC services guide relevant traffic to your virtual doorstep. We place your ad in front of the right people at the right time, optimising your potential to convert leads into devoted customers. At Rank Marketing, growth is our shared objective – a partnership that propels success.

Our Process

Research and Discussions

Elevate your digital presence by fine-tuning every aspect of your website. On-Page Optimisation is your backstage pass to crafting captivating content, optimising meta-tags, and perfecting keyword usage. These strategic tweaks ensure search engines and users alike embrace your pages with open arms.


Precision matters. We implement robust tracking mechanisms to scrutinise performance, gaining insights into what’s resonating and what needs refining.

Landing Page Creation

Landing pages are your digital storefronts. Our experts craft captivating, conversion-centric landing pages optimised to engage and drive action.

Ad Campaign Preparation

Tailored ad campaigns hinge on precision. We meticulously prepare campaigns, aligning keywords, ad copy, and targeting for maximum impact.

Pre-Launch Consultation

Before the campaign goes live, we ensure you’re fully informed and aligned. Your feedback is pivotal, guiding final refinements for optimal results.

Turbocharge Your Growth Today

About Us

At Tech Bird, we bring 20+ years of collective expertise from top agencies, delivering transparent, results-oriented digital marketing solutions. We bridge big agency know-how with personalized service for affordable, high-quality success in the digital landscape


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